Pacific Breeze Tours Welcome

Pacific Breeze Tours Inc.

Nature vs the Narrative -
Natural Processes, Natural Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Victoria, BC

Complimenting our Forces of Nature Tour, our Nature vs the Narrative - Natural Processes, Natural Climate Change and Natural Disasters Tour and Hike was developed for those individuals looking for a bit more physical activity. This six hour guided driving, sightseeing and hiking tour takes place in and around the Garden City of Victoria and Southern Vancouver Island British Columbia and is run by our partners at Western Educational Adventures.
Western Educational Adventures Inc. After pickup, you will be transported to a local west coast rain forest where you will hike to a local waterfall and beach.  You will see natural phenomina including remanants of old growth forest, a glacial lake bed, millions of years old fossils and learn how everything you see came to be created. Amongst the natural beauty, topics like natural climate change, natural disasters the origins of the climate crisis debate will be addressed. Unlike the ongoing political debates, nature and the natural record will weigh in on the issue. By the end of this 6 hour long combination Victoria BC driving tour and guided hike, participants will have gained an understanding of the natural climate processess that have been occurring on our planet and shaping our landscape for millions of years as well as being able to question or agree with the climate crisis narrative.

  • Mount Baker volcanoe

    Mt. Baker...a dormant volcanoe!!
  • Victoria BC Forces of Nature Tour

    A salt water river system ....... rising sea level??
  • Victoria BC global warming tour

    A great day in the sunshine!!!
  • Victoria BC Tsunami Tour

    Tsunami central?
  • Victoria BC climate change tour

    Ice needles - climate change??
  • Victoria BC climate change tours

    A salt water waterfall!!!
  • Melting glacial ice fields
    A glimpse of southern Vancouver Island.....
    10,000 years ago
  • Victoria BC glacial fiords
    Cloud filled glacial fiord
    .... a glacial remnant
  • Victoria BC frozen fountain
    Global warming??

Like with our Forces of Nature Tour,  global warming and the global warming debate, one of the most publizied topics today, will be exemplified during this Victoria BC guided hike as participants are shown evidence of past global warming cycles. Participants will learn about glaciation - why glaciers occur, how they moulded Vancouver Island and the NW Pacific coast and their importance in the economy of Vancouver Island, the West Coast and the planet. What is the impact of glaciers on the modern world and what will their impact be on human civilization into the future?

From secluded sand beaches to major tourist attractions, the natural history of Southern Vancouver Island is explored. By the end of the Forces of Nature Victoria sightseeing tour, participants will not only have seen some of the unparalleled sightseeing that has made Vancouver Island, British Columbia famous, but will also have gained an understanding of the amazing natural phenomena that created and continue to shape the area. The Forces of Nature Victoria guided driving tour and hike is led by a Professional Geologist / Professional Engineer and historian.

Forces of Nature Hike Testimonials:

GeoHistory Testimonials

" Wow, what a tour. I now understand earthquakes, plate tectonics ... saw so many of the sights in Victoria. Thank you so much. "

" An amazing morning. Way beyond our expectations. "

" Well organized, well executed. I wish all tours were like this one. "

" Not only did we see Victoria, but learned about its natural and cultural past as well ....e xcellent tour. "

" As a high school science teacher, this is one of the best tours I have ever been on."

" What a beautiful city, what a fantastic tour. Thank you! "

" Anyone interested in global warming should take this tour. It is excellent. The fact that you see so much of Victoria is an added bonus.

Natural Processes Hike and Driver

Victoria, BC

On demand $225.00 per person plus GST ** Available

** based on a 2 person minimum, $100 for each additional participant.

This Victoria and Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia combination driving sightseeing tour and hike involves walking for several kilometres on level and graded slopes with tree roots and significant wood and dirt stairwells. Participants must be in good physical condition and be wearing adequate footware. This tour is not recommended for individuals with joint, leg or mobility problems and is completely unaccessible for those requiring mobility aids.

Tour / Hike Excursion Location and Times

Tours depart from predetermined pickup locations based on client needs in greater victoria at 12:30pm and return at 6:30 pm. Full day tours can be arranged with lunch if requested.